Learning Indonesian


The Importance of Speaking Practice in Indonesian Language Learning

  Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) is one of the increasingly popular programs in various countries. This program is designed to help foreign students and workers excel the Indonesian language effectively and correctly. One of the most important aspects of BIPA learning is speaking practice. This article will discuss the importance of speaking […]

By Auliya Rahman | BIPA . Blog

Strategies to Successfully Master Indonesian for Foreign Speaker

The Indonesian language, rich in cultural heritage and beauty, attracts many foreigners who want to explore and master it. As the official language of Indonesia, it serves not only as a daily communication tool for over 270 million people, but also a window to understanding the Indonesian’s diverse traditions, customs, and ways of life. Mastering [...]
By Auliya Rahman | BIPA . Blog

Telkom University kampus swasta universitasperguruan tinggi terbaik di bandung indonesia, akreditasi A unggul

Telkom University has a commitment in providing quality education. It was proved by the achievement of A Accreditation or Excellence from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and International Accreditation for several study programs. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemenristekdikti) has named Telkom University as the Best Private University in Indonesia.


Email: lac@telkomuniversity.ac.id

Whatsapp: +(62) 821-2929-4443

Telp: 022-7566- 456(ext: 2181)

Address: Gedung Grha Cacuk Sudarijanto-A Lt. 1, Ruang A112
Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung 40257
Jawa Barat, Indonesia