latihan soal toeic


Tips Jitu Menghadapi Soal Incomplete Sentences di Tes TOEIC! 

Penulis: Pusat Bahasa Tel-U | Editor: Auliya Rahman P | Foto: Pusat Bahasa Tel-U

By Auliya Rahman | Blog . TOEIC

Kunci Sukses dan Contoh Soal Reading TOEIC Serta Pembahasannya 

Office Renovation Notice Dear Team,   As you know, our office will undergo renovations starting next month. During this period, some of the areas will be inaccessible. Please make sure to _______ your workstations and personal belongings by the end of this week. The renovation will _______ approximately two months, and we appreciate your cooperation and understanding during […]

By Auliya Rahman | Blog . TOEIC

Latihan Soal TOEIC: Kunci Sukses untuk Meraih Skor Tinggi

TOEIC® (Test of English for International Communication) adalah ujian bahasa Inggris yang diakui secara global dan digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks bisnis dan komunikasi internasional. Untuk mencapai skor tinggi dalam ujian TOEIC®, teman-teman perlu melakukan latihan intensif dan memahami secara mendalam tentang struktur serta jenis soal yang akan dihadapi.  Melalui artikel ini, […]

By Rafiedhia | Blog . TOEIC

Telkom University kampus swasta universitasperguruan tinggi terbaik di bandung indonesia, akreditasi A unggul

Telkom University has a commitment in providing quality education. It was proved by the achievement of A Accreditation or Excellence from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and International Accreditation for several study programs. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemenristekdikti) has named Telkom University as the Best Private University in Indonesia.



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Jawa Barat, Indonesia