EPrT® Preparation Telkom University Surabaya

EPrT® Preparation diperuntukan bagi peserta yang ingin mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti EPrT® (English Proficiency Test).


Test Preparation
Pendaftaran Kursus Bahasa Periode Triwulan 1 2025
Periode Pendaftaran: 30 Desember 2024 – 12 Januari 2025
Pembayaran: 16 – 17 Januari 2025
Mulai Kursus: 27 Januari 2025

Deskripsi Kursus

EPrT® Preparation diperuntukan bagi peserta yang ingin mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti EPrT® (English Proficiency Test).

Kursus ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris peserta (listening, reading, writing dan speaking) dan memperkenalkan format tes EPrT®. Peserta akan mempelajari tata bahasa dan kosakata dasar hingga akademik.

Calon peserta kursus EPrT® Preparation wajib memiliki skor tes EPrT® sebelum melakukan pendaftaran kursus.


Level Kursus


Skor Pretest

Deskripsi Kompetensi

EPrT® Level 1 375-399
  1. Can use phrases and expressions in dialogues related to daily needs.
  2. Can use present verb form, and order the words in simple sentences in simple context.
  3. Can identify the main idea in both very familiar and everyday context.
EPrT® Level 2 400-424
  1. Can use phrases and expressions in dialogues related to daily needs.
  2. Can use the appropriate past verb form, and order the words in compound sentences in simple context.
  3. Can identify some basic specific information in both very familiar and everyday context.
EPrT® Level 3 425-449
  1. Can use phrases and expressions in dialogues related to daily needs.
  2. Can use the appropriate future verb form, passive form, and order the words in complex sentences in simple context.
  3. Can identify some basic detail information in both very familiar and everyday context.
EPrT® Level 4 450-474
  1. Can use familiar phrases and expressions in dialogues in common academic setting.
  2. Can infer meaning of vocabulary from simple context.
  3. Can use appropriate verbs in common tenses (Present, past, future) and structure a sentence or clause.
EPrT® Level 5 475-499
  1. Can use familiar phrases and expressions in dialogues in some unfamiliar academic setting.
  2. Can infer meaning of vocabulary from the given context.
  3. Can use appropriate verbs in common tenses — including passive forms — as well as common linking verbs and expletives such as “there is.”
  4. Can structure a sentence or clause and use infinitives, gerunds and “that” clauses effectively.


Jadwal dan Tarif Kursus

Tipe Kelas


(pilih salah satu)

Tempat Pelaksanaan Tarif Kursus
Sivitas Tel-U


1 Kampus Telkom University Surabaya Rp580.000 Rp670.000

(tarif belum termasuk pajak 11%)


(Senin, Rabu, Jumat)

Kelas Pagi

(09:00 – 11:00)

Kelas Sore

(16:00 – 18:00)

Jumlah pertemuan = 20x (termasuk 1x progress test dan 1x post-test)

Peserta akan mendapat sertifikat kursus dan sertifikat EPrT®


Alur Pendaftaran

  1. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran di tel-u.ac.id/kursus-tus
    Syarat Pendaftaran: Peserta wajib mengikuti tes EPrT® sebelum mengikuti kursus ini.
  2. Menunggu admin LaC untuk mengkonfirmasi pendaftaran Anda setelah batch pendaftaran kursus ditutup. Admin LaC akan mengirimkan prosedur pembayaran kepada peserta setelah jadwal dan instruktur terkonfirmasi.
  3. Lakukan pembayaran sesuai dengan prosedur pada bit.ly/LaCPayment2023 dan unggah bukti pembayaran di bit.ly/BuktiBayarUpload_New
  4. Mengikuti kursus sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan.


Kontak LaC

Email: LaC@telkomuniversity.ac.id
WhatsApp: 0821-2929-4443 (Chat Only)

Telkom University kampus swasta universitasperguruan tinggi terbaik di bandung indonesia, akreditasi A unggul

Telkom University has a commitment in providing quality education. It was proved by the achievement of A Accreditation or Excellence from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and International Accreditation for several study programs. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemenristekdikti) has named Telkom University as the Best Private University in Indonesia.


Email: lac@telkomuniversity.ac.id

Whatsapp: +(62) 821-2929-4443

Telp: 022-7566- 456(ext: 2181)

Address: Gedung Grha Cacuk Sudarijanto-A Lt. 1, Ruang A112
Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung 40257
Jawa Barat, Indonesia