English for Teaching

This Course is aimed at training teachers who are teaching subject courses in english and is designed for preparing them to teach the subjects in English.

Pendaftaran Kursus Bahasa Periode Triwulan 1 2025
Periode Pendaftaran: 30 Desember 2024 – 12 Januari 2025
Pembayaran: 16 – 17 Januari 2025
Mulai Kursus: 27 Januari 2025


This course is aimed at training teachers who are teaching subject in English and is designed for preparing them to teach the subjects in English.

This course is offered in an online setting in which participants are to participate in 20 meetings of online class through video conference and accomplish the assignments.

The online class includes brief lectures from the instructor, class discussions, video exploration, individual or group work and many other activities. Participants are expected to be responsive by contributing to the class discussions.

The assignment is mandatory and is intended to help the participants prepared for the micro-teaching/simulation sessions. The assignment can be accessed inelearning.telkomuniversity.ac.id or in other platforms agreed by the instructor and participants.



  1. Explain the basic principles of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in terms of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
  2. Use basic English-based classroom language expressions to teach their subject courses.
  3. Use basic English-based classroom management language to communicate effectively with students in English.
  4. Design an English-based CLIL lesson plan.



  • What is EMI (English Medium Instruction)?
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom language
  • Classroom management
  • Lecturing
  • Final micro-teaching sessions



The teaching instructors consist of:

  • Native speaker
  • Expert in English Medium Instruction (EMI)
  • Expert in a specific English language skill
  • Practitioner in English Medium Instruction (EMI)



  • Schedule: Schedule will be set after registration based on the agreement between the participants and the instructors.
  • Duration: 20 meetings
  • Course fee: Tel-U: IDR -/class | Non Tel-U: IDR-/class (course fee does not include 11% tax)
  • Participant: Maximum number of participants: 5 persons



All participants must have a valid ECCT score of at least 2.75 to apply for this course.

  1. Fill out the registration form at tel-u.ac.id/formlackursus collectively by one person.
  2. Wait for the LaC admin to confirm your registration after the course registration closed. LaC admin will send the payment procedure to the participant after the schedule and instructors are confirmed.
  3. Make the payment as the following procedure bit.ly/LaCPayment24 and upload proof of payment at bit.ly/BuktiBayarUpload_New
  4. Take the course.

Telkom University kampus swasta universitasperguruan tinggi terbaik di bandung indonesia, akreditasi A unggul

Telkom University has a commitment in providing quality education. It was proved by the achievement of A Accreditation or Excellence from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and International Accreditation for several study programs. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemenristekdikti) has named Telkom University as the Best Private University in Indonesia.


Email: lac@telkomuniversity.ac.id

Whatsapp: +(62) 821-2929-4443

Telp: 022-7566- 456(ext: 2181)

Address: Gedung Grha Cacuk Sudarijanto-A Lt. 1, Ruang A112
Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung 40257
Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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